Spectra Web Services

GET /api/v0.1/spectra/{planet_name}/plot

Get curated Spectra plots for particular exoplanet

Get the archive webservice to request curated spectra for a given exoplanet.

  • planet_name (string, required) – Exoplanet name or id

Query Parameters:
  • embed – This flag tells the request render a html page or return components to embed

Status Codes:
GET /api/v0.1/spectra/{planet_name}/file/{filename}/

Get the Spectra datafile

Get a States datafile off of the filesystem and retrieves it for the caller. This is used in the UI when a user wants to retrieve the source data for one of our spectra plots.

  • planet_name (string, required) –

  • filename (string, required) –

Status Codes:
GET /api/v0.1/spectra/{planet_name}/filelist

Get the list of Spectra datafiles

Get a list of available datafiles for a given planet. The user may then call the /file/ method to retrieve the data.

  • planet_name (string, required) – Exoplanet name or id

Status Codes:
  • 200 OK

    list of filenames with newlines in between

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json
      "filenames": [

  • 404 Not Found – Planet not found.

  • 422 Unprocessable Entity – Validation Error